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Black smoke covers Kenmare

Rumours swirled that the school was burning down.

Residents feared the worst after a black cloud of smoke covered Laerskool Kenmare yesterday afternoon.

CPF members of Sector 8 rushed to the school after a call-out was logged of a fire in Kenmare at around 2pm.

Smoke from a fire in Kenmare.
Smoke from a fire in Kenmare.

On arrival at the scene patrollers found a fire which started in a open field near the primary school which got out of control as the wind picked up and spread to a stack of tyres which also caught alight.

Emergency Management Services (EMS), along with a fire truck from the Watchtower Society quickly responded to the scene and managed to extinguish the fire at around 4.30pm.

The fire bordered Laerskool Kenmare.
The fire bordered Laerskool Kenmare.

Police and Sector 7 patrollers also joined in to help control the busy scene.

Although the cause of the fire is still unknown it is believed the field caught alight somehow.

“We urge the community to find out where the hydro point in their areas are and to stay clear of these points in such instances when responders and EMS need to make use of it. Residents should take precaution in such incidents and also respect patrollers and responders while working on a scene in order to quickly and effectively act,” CPF 8 Chairperson, Henry Carson, said.

At first it seemed that a part of Laerskool Kenmare was on fire.
At first it seemed that a part of Laerskool Kenmare was on fire.

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