
High five for Kagiso Police

Husband and wife from Krugersdorp writes:

Remarkable police service needs to be praised and recognised.

The good police service at the Kagiso Police Station started with the police personnel behind the counter. Once one finds good reception, everything rolls out smoothly.

They referred us to the cool, collected and understanding captain who gave us two magnificent police constables to work with.

Our complaint: we bought a vehicle and gave it over to a mechanic for repairs, spray painting and panel beating. Long story short – after a lot of money was spent, we informed the mechanic after five months that we were going to fetch our vehicle.

That is where we requested the police to help us. From this point on we received great service from them.

When we arrived on a Saturday to fetch our vehicle, the mechanic organised for many guys to be present to intimidate us and keep us from retrieving our vehicle.

Fearing for our lives, we asked the police to escort us to the mechanic again. After returning for a second time, the mechanic had left with our vehicle’s keys.

The police advised us to return the next day. When we returned, again the mechanic was not there. That same day he phoned us to inform us to bring more money if we want our vehicle back. We requested the help of the police for the third time.

If the police did not escort us, we fear something horrible might have happened. There was a very heated squabble and an argument ensued and the police were aware that we were right because we had proof of what we said. Ultimately we retrieved our vehicle.

We thank the police for their wonderful service and the two constables, Nkanyani and Campbell for their help.

Keep it up Kagiso Police!

* Letter shortened — Ed.

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