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[SOUNDCLIP] ‘I got my girls back’

The story of Olga's victory in the battle for her children is a tale of The Cradle of Hope's success.

After three years of living apart, Olga Bender and her two daughters finally are united again – thanks to The Cradle of Hope.

The Cradle of Hope is a ministry focusing on assisting women and children in desperate need. Three years ago Olga was in great need of their assistance.

“I was a successful operations manager in Johannesburg. I worked long hours and brought home a decent salary,” Olga explained.

“But I married the wrong man and my children and I ended up being thrown out of our home in February 2012. The divorce papers came soon after my children were taken from me.”

When she realised she was homeless and had to find a place to stay for her and her two daughters, *Rey and *Gladys, Olga hastily accepted the first place she was offered.

“It was a small place in an old age home. The living standards were not as high as before.”

Olga Bender tells the horrifying tale of how her children were forcibly removed from her three years ago.
Olga Bender tells the horrifying tale of how her children were forcibly removed from her three years ago.

An old age home resident contacted social services, as she thought Olga’s daughters were not in good hands. Soon after social services came to take them away from her.

“I refused, arguing that no official documents have been presented to me for the girls to be taken away. They left, but returned the following day along with police to remove my then three- and four-year-old children from me.”

Olga stirred in her seat as she remembered that horrifying day when her children were torn away from her and placed in a children’s home.

“There was a lot of screaming and kicking. I remember the fears in their eyes. I must have looked the same.”

With her aunt’s help, Olga managed to present her case in the Vanderbijlpark Magistrates’ Court to get her children back. Eventually a job led Olga to The Cradle of Hope.

Melodie van Brakel, founder and manager at The Cradle, said she never had seen someone as anxious as Olga the day she met her.

“She was totally broken and traumatised. I knew she was dealt a bad hand and we needed to help her get back her children.”

Three years, several court appearances and social services appointments, a home and job (provided by The Crade) later, Olga has her children back.

“On 13 December 2014 I got a call from the social worker telling me I have my children back. Now we function as a unit again.”

However, Olga explained that the events of that day still haunt her daughters who are now six and seven years old.

“Whenever Rey sees a police officer she gets nervous and I have to reassure her they won’t take her away again. She still battle with separation anxiety, but it’s getting better.”

Melodie said procedures were not followed correctly and no child should have to go through something like that ever.

“Now that Olga is happy, I will move on to the next woman or child in need. By helping people like Olga, we eventually will better the community – which is our goal.”

* The real names of Olga’s children have been withheld for their protection.

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