
[VIDEO] Mogale using a new billing system

A new billing system has been implement since 1 July, but apparently it does not completely work yet.

If your water and electricity account looks a bit different at the end of the month, it is because of a new billing system that the municipality is using.

According to Mmabatho Mathuloe who set up an awareness campaign tent in front of the Infrastructure Department building in town, residents of Mogale City will see their account numbers have changed and the format of the account will also appear differently in accordance with the new system.

The pamphlets read that robust and flexible systems have to be introduced to keep up with better service delivery and better financial management.

“It is vital for everyone to commit to the process, embrace the changes and create the necessary synergy for success,” it read.

Amanda de Lange, Freedom Front Plus West Rand Regional Leader, told the News the system was implemented from 1 July.

De Lange explained that a few of Mogale City’s employees were flown to India to study a new billing system called LIMMS following the court battles between Mogale City and Quill Associates about the ownership and use of the BIQ system.

Christo Peyper, Democratic Alliance Caucus Leader in Mogale City, explained that the LIMMS system was not explained by the municipality.

“But as far as we know, the LIMMS system is not yet fully functional.”

Nkosana Zali, Mogale City’s spokesperson, did not respond for comment at the time of publishing this article.

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