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Gardening expert weighs in on Lecobi

The men asked JJ why they were struggling to grow quality vegetables, which resulted in JJ getting his hands dirty.

Well-known gardening guru JJ van Rensburg gave the men of the news’ Operation Feed Kagiso: Project Lecobi some much-needed advice when paying them a visit recently.

JJ, a horticulturist with 20 years’ experience from Garden World in Muldersdrift, radio personality on RSG and a friend of the news spent the morning with the Lewisham Community Business Initiative’s (Lecobi) committee members. These men are trying to make a difference in their destitute community.

In May 2014 the news stumbled upon the group who was trying to establish a vegetable garden in a piece of veld. Despite their many setbacks, the men slowly started to make progress.

Numerous stakeholders also showed their support towards the project and many donations were received. However, it seems the year started off on a rather disappointing note for the men of Lecobi.

During JJ’s visit they quickly realised that they have taken a few steps backwards and JJ’s advice could not have come at a better time.

The men asked JJ why they were struggling to grow quality vegetables, which resulted in JJ getting his hands dirty.

Gardening guru from Garden World JJ van Rensburg sharing his tricks of the trade with some of the men from Lecobi – newest member Papi Morare (who has JJ's son on his shoulders), Daniel Moagi, Ruben Mafokeng and William Moagi.
Gardening guru from Garden World JJ van Rensburg sharing his tricks of the trade with some of the men from Lecobi – newest member Papi Morare (who has JJ’s son on his shoulders), Daniel Moagi, Ruben Mafokeng and William Moagi.

Newest member of the project, Mziwasekhaya (Papi) Morare also joined in on the session with JJ.

The informative morning turned into a full-on training session where JJ and the Lecobi men decided on a course of action to turn things around.

Regardless of their overwhelming need to succeed, the men still require a lot of support.

Much work lies ahead for the men of Lecobi, but for now their spirits have been lifted and their faith in their project restored.

You can become involved in this worthy project by phoning news editor Janine Viljoen on 011 955 1130, or send an email to krugersdorpnews@caxton.co.za. You also can contact Lecobi chairperson Daniel Moagi on 078 599 1422 to visit the premises and to see how Lecobi is growing.

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