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Team of detectives probe mall robberies

All eyes are on the Commissioner.

Gauteng Police Commissioner Lesetja Mothiba recently announced that national detectives have been appointed to investigate the latest spate of mall robberies in Gauteng.

Shortly before the Commissioners’ announcement Cradlestone Mall in Muldersdrift made headlines after a robbery at its Samsung store.

In recent weeks several other malls across Gauteng have been targeted by gangs, often resulting in innocent bystanders being injured.

DA Gauteng caucus and provincial leader John Moodey commented on the announcement stating that the party long has advocated that improved crime intelligence is critical to combating such incidents and disrupting organised crime.

“Shopping malls are high traffic areas and as such, the risk of injury to shoppers is high. Initiatives from organisations such as Business Against Crime to have number plate recognition technology installed at shopping malls should be applauded,” he said.

“However, it is the SAPS’ response to reported incidents which is of the greatest concern,” he adds.

Moodey mentions that owing to resource challenges, many police stations are unable to meet the national standard of two patrolling vehicles per sector per shift.

“Instead, in many cases, it is left to the Visible Policing Units to be the first respondents,” he says.

Moodey says a critical part of crime prevention also relies on crime intelligence units building a network of informants to supply the SAPS with leads.

“This is not done effectively in South Africa despite it being a highly successful international policing strategy.”

“We hope that the appointment of national detectives will go a long way towards bringing these gangs to justice and restoring the peace of mind of residents in Gauteng. However, much work remains to bring our crime intelligence and effective crime-prevention strategies up to speed,” he concludes.

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• Gang of six hit store at Cradlestone

• Mall hit by thieves – again

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