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Gang of six hit store at Cradlestone

The men demanded electronic goods and then escaped from the scene.

A gang of robbers pounced on a Samsung store at Cradlestone Mall last week.

According to Hendrik Denner, Security Manager the incident took place at approximately 6pm on Friday 5 September.

“Six men ambushed shoppers and staff in the store, demanding electronic goods,” he says.

Denner adds that no weapons were visible and no one was hurt in the incident.

“Centre security alerted the police immediately and CCTV footage was made available to investigating officers for identification purposes,” he says.

The robbery is the third within four months. In June, a gang robbed a jewellery store at the mall and in August a men’s clothing store, Fabiani was robbed by a group who allegedly fled with an undisclosed amount of merchandise.

The local mall however does not seem to be the robbers’ exclusive target . In the past months, various Gauteng malls were attacked by armed gangs who robbed shoppers of cash, cellphones and jewellery. For the same reason Centurion Mall, Maponya Mall, Cresta shopping centre, Northgate mall, Rosebank mall and The Glen shopping centre all made headlines recently.

A total of 438 incidents of robbery in shopping centres were reported in 2012/ 2013, compared to 274 in the previous corresponding period.

Related articles:

• Mall hit by thieves – again

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  1. I would REALLY like to get feedback from Cradlestone management about security issues at the mall. I hope the News will have an in-depth story about this. The festive seasons is coming and if we, as shoppers do not feel safe doing our shopping there, then they are just going to have the losses as we might as well go somewhere safer!


    Crime is a huge part of the SA economy. It generates Taxes, and ensures business, Sales etc. Sales in Insurance, Protection, Security, Tracking not to mention REPLACEMENT. This is all subject to Taxes.

    So, besides the Government doing nothing, the MALLS need customers to keep Tenants and Investors happy.

    Cradlestone for instance is a brand new investment, and is run by BROLL. Brol have a name to uphold, and put people in place that (in my opinion – are Educated, Presentable, One track minded and fit a certain criteria)

    The location for Cradlestone was well thought up, but not well thought through. Cradlestone, like many other attractions and wedding venues, is situated in Muldersdrift. Muldersdrift – if Googled as “Muldersdrift Crime” paints a very nice picture, and NO INFRASTRUCTURE upgrade can change this!

    Development brings “work” and this brings CRIME. besides the fact that Craldlestone is on a most beautiful location regarding escape routes, if one knows the area, one can vanish within 1000m, go to Tarlton, Carltonville, Pretoria, Johannesburg, Roodepoort, Krugersdorp, not to mention Informal settlements, Locations, Farms, or just plain Veld.

    The total IGNORANCE of those whom address the public regarding their Safety and Security is a FARCE!

    According to the “Cradlestone” official “PRESS RELEASE” dated 06 Sept 2014 with the heading “Robbery at Cradlestone Mall” – and this part I quote – No weapons were visible” then two lines further I quote once again “Security at the Centre remains vigilant and the safety of Shoppers and Tenants continues to be of utmost priority”.

    I would love to add the following: besides myself, there were othe people that DID see FIRE ARMS, there were actually people that looked down the BARREL of these “invisible” firearms. Besides this, if there were no FIRE ARMS, why on EARTH did the Security officers RUN?

    in a situation like this, and the other two robberies that I am aware of, BROWNS and FABIANI, the person paid to sit and watch the CCTV monitors should pick up on these situations and have a BIG RED BUTTON to push that activates “ground spikes” and closes all gates and doors. As to put this WONDERFULL NEW BABY in the CRADLE into LOCKDOWN!

    But no, instead all security, and the TV monitor watching dude have instructions to FOLLOW MY every moove.

    THAT is why I am in the mall DAILY! So that I know I AM IMPORTANT enough to keep people employed.

    I am just another person, with a clean criminal record, that pays taxes, licenses what needs to be licensed, pays my way, and goes to the LOCAL CAFFEE ON THE CORNER in MY FREE TIME.

    Ps. I have lived in this area since the 70’s, if the Mall management, or security need to know what happens in the area they INTRUDE upon, they should treat their regulars, and the locals with respect. This is not Sandton, we are FARM OWNERS, DWELLERS and LABOURORS. We are normal earth loving, down to earth commoners, we ARE NOT the STUCK UP UP MARKET clients you want us to be.

    You came here for work, so, work WITH us, not against us!

  3. Hi, this is not called for! We were rhere just the day before! I still think and say this must be inside info. How did they get past the booms? Which leads me to think its someone that works there or even more than one in it!

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