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Diabetic clinic scoops coveted award

The Krugersdorp clinic was voted best in the country.

The De Hoog Diabetic Clinic based at Netcare Krugersdorp Hospital recently received a sought-after award – one that none of the many diabetic clinics in the area has won before.

To be considered for the best CDE (Centre for Diabetes and Endocrinology) award, clinics have to adhere to very strict criteria.

“Patient progress, patient satisfaction, structure and management at the clinic, efficiency, handling of queries, data and admin standards were only some of the boxes we had to tick positively to stand out among the almost 220 centres in the country,” explains diabetic educator Magda de Hoog.

She says the clinic also had to undergo untimely audits on patient progress and that the De Hoog Diabetic Centre scored 100 per cent each time.

David Broomfield, business unit manager at Novo Nordisk (the company that sponsors the award) paid a visit to the Netcare Krugersdorp Hospital to hand over the floating trophy on which the name of De Hoog Clinic has been engraved.

The purpose behind the award includes the following:

• To recognise centres that render an excellent service, that promote CDE principles of patient care excellence and that make a difference in the lives of patients with diabetes at their centre and in their community

• To provide an opportunity for health-care professionals who have demonstrated a real interest in diabetes management to attend a major international diabetes conference overseas

The award not only consists of a floating trophy but a full sponsorship to attend the Foundation of European Nurses in Diabetes (Fend) Conference to be held in Vienna, Austria next month.

“We are very excited to make the trip and educated ourselves in order to be of optimal benefit to our patients and to get on par with the latest in research and treatments,” concludes De Hoog.

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