
VIDEO: Raw sewage spillage flows into water canals

A sewage spill coming from the grounds of Dr Yusuf Dadoo Hospital flows into a stream from Coronation Dam through to Krugersdorp West.

The city most probably could be facing a health crisis as it became evident that kilolitres of raw sewage have been flowing through Krugersdorp for over five months.

The news recently discovered this while investigating a sewage spill coming from the grounds of Dr Yusuf Dadoo Hospital that flows into a stream from Coronation Dam through to Krugersdorp West. Willie Britz, 57, who lives at the Coronation Park squatter camp allegedly has reported the matter to the Mogale City Local Municipality on three occasions but was told that they were aware of it and that they were working on getting it fixed. “I have seen them in February after I noticed the raw sewage gushing out while I was searching for my missing cat.

“First I noticed the foul smell and then I saw the sewage spill.”

He says he went to the Human Resources Department of the Dr Yusuf Dadoo Hospital and they were very willing to help.

“They thanked me for reporting the matter and said they would report it to the municipality.”

The raw sewage spill flowing into Krugersdorp's canals.
The raw sewage spill flowing into Krugersdorp’s canals.

Several months went by but the municipality allegedly never came to investigate. In the process thousands of litres of raw sewage continued to gush into Krugersdorp’s canals.

“I have reported it to the municipality again twice but still nothing has been done to fix it,” says Britz.He says the dreadful odour hangs over Coronation Park.”Sometimes it is so terrible, I completely lose my appetite – one cannot continue to live like this!”

Britz says the people in the squatter camp are always ill and one resident allegedly died of cholera. (This is to be confirmed, though — Editor.) While the news visited the site toilet paper was flowing from the sewage hole and a terrible smell hung in the air.

This spilled into another open manhole as well as through the fence of Dr Yusuf Dadoo Hospital, where it was flowing through Coronation Park into a stream.

The raw sewage spill gushing into Krugersdorp's canals.
The raw sewage spill gushing into Krugersdorp’s canals.

Dr Hilda Smith, a gastroenterologist told the news that the raw sewage spillage can be a health risk.

“It can cause diseases such as hepatitis A, diarrhoea and cholera, depending on what is found in the sewage. Children playing in the canals can get sick when exposed.”

The news will follow up on the matter and provide more information as it becomes available.


  1. SIES! Nee maggies, wat doen die spul in Mogale City, wil hul hê mense moet doodgaan? Moet dit soos Bloemhof word waar mense eers doodgaan voor iets gedoen word?

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