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Don’t abandon your baby – there is help

Krugersdorp offers various options for mothers who face an unwanted pregnancy.

Every day in South Africa seven babies are abandoned and killed. Each month the bodies of more than 200 newborn babies are found in rivers or on rubbish dumps.

These statistics were published by Child Welfare SA (CWSA) more than three years ago and according to news reports numbers seem to be on the increase.

This year the news has reported on two instances of newborn babies being abandoned in Krugersdorp.

In the most recent case a newborn baby girl was left on the side of the road in Kagiso.

The community was outraged by the article featured in the 23 May edition of the news and the question was raised as to how accessible education and information are with regard to unwanted pregnancies.

Poverty and rape are said to be the two major factors causing young mothers to abandon their babies. The mothers often are unable to provide for or unwilling to keep an unwanted baby.

However, strong community leaders and individuals have stepped in to address the issue locally and Krugersdorp mothers who face an unwanted pregnancy have various options.

The news compiled a list of community organisations in and around Krugersdorp mothers can turn to.

The Cradle of Hope: an independent, social upliftment organisation that strives to assist women and their children who are destitute and in need of psycho-social assistance, child care, comfortable safe housing, nutritious food, trauma debriefing, individual and group counselling and life-skills orientation. Tel: 011 660-4623.

The Bethany House Trust: A public benefit organisation that assists with foster care as well as offers assistance to mothers with unplanned pregnancies to make good choices. Tel: 011 660 2763.

The Baby Moses Sanctuary: A sanctuary and place of safety for abused, abandoned and neglected babies, toddlers and teens. HIV positive and disabled children are welcome. Tel: 011 768 7600.

The Salvation Army (Krugersdorp): An organisation focusing on education, poverty relief, and other charitable objects beneficial to society or the community as a whole: Tel: 011 953 1739

The Krugersdorp Police Station and a Community Policing Forum branch (CPF) are other good options as qualified staff will be on hand to offer advice and assistance. Contact them on 011 951 1111

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