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Newborn left in street

Police are looking for the mother of a baby that was left by the side of the road in Kagiso.

A newborn baby girl is under observation at Leratong Hospital after she was found abandoned on the side of the road in Kagiso Extension 12.

According to Krugersdorp SAPS spokesperson Tshepiso Mashale, police has not determined the events leading up to the abandonment yet.

“A case of child neglect has been opened at the Krugersdorp Police Station and is being investigated by the Child Protection Unit,” she says.

Police provided a photo of the infant and calls on anyone who might have any information pertaining to the case or that can assist to track down the mother to contact the investigating team on 082 778 9049.


  1. How cruel of her living a baby on the streets,I’ll live that mother in the hands of GOD,

  2. Ah shame man how does any mother do this to a precious little gift from God, I pray that the mother is found. Lord bless this precious little one

  3. Dis genoeg om van siek teword,daar is mense soos ek en my man wat bid vir so geskenk van God ons sukkel al 7 jaar,God gee een vrou n wondelikke geskenk en wat maak sy,vat 9maande van God se werk en gooi dit trug in sy gesig,hoop daai ondankbaare moeder word gevind…

  4. Leaving a newborn baby next to the road is barbaric. It does not matter how poor or underprivaledge a person is, you do not abandon a baby or child like that – take it to a hospital or church if you’re not near a facility! Precaution MUST be taken if you do not want a baby. Women that abandon newborn babies like this should be sterilised.

  5. What a sad story. Wish i could just cuddle her. My daughter is just over 18 months and i still have most of her newborn stuff. Willing to donate it to this little one. Contact me on

  6. So sad daar is so baja van ons wt nie kids van ons eie kan he en die ma los hare op straat Dit na daar so baja veiliger hawens is waar sy die kind kon los na 10 jaar van hoop en bid het ek en my man besluit om aaneming en dit het ons net ryker gemaak en ons lewenskring volmaak DINK asb mammas voor jul sulke gud dun Here hou U hand oor die klein mensie Amen

  7. Dit maak my hartjie so seer. Kan dit nie glo nie. Ek is een van die ongelukkige meisies wat enigeiets sal doen om so ‘n klein geskenkie te he en ander “so called” vrouens gooi hulle sin weg. Hoop meisiekind kry ‘n familie wat mooi na haar sal kyk en dat sy gesond is. Gelukkig weet ek die Here sal voorsien en sy hande om haar vou.

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