Elections 2014MunicipalNews

This is your moment; reasons why you should vote

Do your bit to enhance the quality of government as it will directly affect your life.

It is your fundamental right to vote. This is the most basic reason why you should.

You have the right, the responsibility and moral obligation to choose a representative in government. Voting is a hard-earned privilege that should not be taken for granted. It ensures that your opinion is taken into account when electing representatives to the Provincial Legislature and the National Assembly. People who are elected have the power to shape the future of the nation.

Choose the right representative

Elected representatives have the mandate to take decisions about issues that affect our lives such as health care, roads, jobs, taxes, and food security. Would you be comfortable to endorse candidates who will monopolise these powers for the next five years, without exercising your right to vote? Voting is one of the fundamental processes that is instrumental in developing a functional democracy.

Communicating the correct message

In a democratic system elections send out a message to government that it will be held to account and that its power is limited, that it will be “punished” for non-performance or returned to power when effectively discharging the will of the people. This is the responsibility of every citizen of the country.

It does not take much effort

Do not abstain. Do your bit to enhance the quality of government as it will directly affect your life. Exercise your right to vote on 7 May.

* Press statement by Councillor Jacques Hoon of the Democratic Alliance Mogale City.

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