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Woman who survives stage-four cancer believes in miracles

A woman from Mindalore wishes to help other women who are in the same position as she was.

A woman who was diagnosed with stage-four cancer that metastatised to her organs says that God cured her and that she is now cancer free.

Dipuo Khuduga (46) from Mindalore knows the sadness of living a life ill, sorrowed and feeling alone after she was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2006.

“I received chemo therapy for two years before the cancer eventually spread my liver and lungs.”

The mother of three had to quit her job as the Community Liaison Officer at the Mogale City Local Municipality as she was unable to fulfil her job requirements.

“I could not work or do things myself – it felt as if I was a baby all over again. Despite this I remained positive in believing that I will be healed, so much so that I made fun of my situation.”

While she was battling with cancer she got raped in a field in Mindalore in 2008 when she went to buy bread for her children with the remaining funds in her bank account.

“This added more stress and I was admitted to the Sir Albert Medical Centre in Randfontein for psychiatric help.”

Dipuo says she felt filthy and used, and never thought that she would be raped in her condition.

“I was sick and weak at the time of the incident.”

In April 2012 she received more chemo and it made her ill.

“I thought that the angels had come to fetch me.”

Through it all, she survived to tell her story and says that the oncologist told her in March last year that she was cancer free.

“That was the best news I ever received. Even the doctor could not believe it and hailed me as a miracle.”

Dipuo says throughout her disease she kept on praying that God would cure her if it was His will.

“I have God on my side and have learned to trust in Him. The little faith I had in Him came through for me.”

Today she is smiling broadly and is happy that she got a second chance at life.

“One takes life for granted and do not realise that it is precious. If it were not for my family and children I don’t know if I would have been able to pull through.”

She now hopes to give motivational talks and give guidance to other women who are suffering from breast cancer.

“I felt so alone on many occasions despite the fact that there were so many people who surrounded me with their prayers and love.”

Dipuo says that she wants to avail herself to other women who are feeling lonely and need to talk to someone who has been in the same position they are in now. She can be contacted on 072 348 3248.

For more information on cancer visit the Cancer Association of South Africa’s website here.

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