
Neighbour accused of statutory rape

A man (46) has been arrested for allegedly raping a girl (9).

The Kagiso Police reported that they had arrested a 46-year-old man after he allegedly raped a young girl (9).

Warrant Officer Solomon Sibiya, a police spokesperson says the mother of the girl was at home on 6 January at about 8.30pm when her two neighbours arrived.

“The two women allegedly wanted to know from the mother if the child had told her about the rape. When they realised that the mother was not informed they insisted that the child told her in their presence.”

The suspect allegedly lured the child into his home, which is a few metres away from where she stays, after which he allegedly raped her and gave her R10 so that she won’t tell anyone.

Police arrested him at his home on 7 January and he appeared in the Krugersdorp Magistrates’ Court the next day facing a charge of statutory rape.

Sibiya says that the suspect is remanded in custody.

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