
Two Step easilly obtainable

Five grams of this poisonous pesticide is enough to kill several dogs in a neighbourhood.

Only five grams, the size of a teaspoon, are enough to kill several dogs in a neighbourhood – and it is available for under R10.

This is the finding after following up on a tip-off about the dangerous poison Aldicarb, also known as Temik and colloquially called Two Step being sold freely at a certain location in Krugersdorp.

Not entirely knowing what to expect and the cost involved, the NEWS took R50 along and was surprised by the amount of Temik the money could buy and how easy it was to get hold of.

The seller was told that a few dogs were causing problems and that was the reason for buying the poison. It also is used for killing rodents in informal settlements.

It is widely known that Temik is used by house robbers to poison dogs and get easy access to the properties they target.

Temik poisoning is sporadic

According to dr Johan Ferreira, a veterinarian at Noordvet Animal Clinic in Noordheuwel these poisonings happens at irregular intervals and not just over the Festive Season.

“There are thousands of different poisons on the market, but because this is the cheapest poison and the most effective, it is being used by robbers.”

Criminals usually mix the poison with meat, which is fed to the animals.

“Once the dog has consumed it, its chances of it recovering depend on how much it has taken in and how fast the dog is taken to a veterinarian.”

Animals need to be treated without delay

He says because there is no antidote it is difficult for the veterinarian to treat the animal, but that the effect of the poison can be neutralised, depending on how swiftly the dog is brought in.

A poisoned dog will become convulsed and it will look as if worms are moving on the body. The dog will vomit, drool and it’s pupil’s will become narrow. Then it will lie down to die.

“If the veterinarian is unable to neutralise the poison within 24 hours, not much can be done to save it.”

He says that if ones dog gets poisoned, one needs to make sure that the other animals living on the property are safe and kept away from the poisoned animal, for example not coming into contact with its excretions.

Prevent more poisonings

Ferreira says once it’s noticed that an animal is poisoned, one has to find the source and remove it.

“If it is meat, the best way to get rid of it is to bury it very deep in the ground.”

According to Bayer, the company that produces Temik, the only legal way to obtain the poison – which is used as an agricultural insecticide – is if you are a qualified pesticide operator or have a qualified operator present.

If a person has swallowed or inhaled the poison, or it has come onto contact with the skin or eyes, a doctor should be consulted immediately. Any contaminated clothing needs to be removed and the skin needs to be washed thoroughly as the poison can be absorbed through it.


  1. Ek het al gehoor van 2 step maar die nag van 20 November en weer op 27 November daarmee kennis gemaak net om uit te vind ek is die 4de huis in die straat wat in die laaste maand geteiken was en self het ek in die proses 3 honde verloor.Die misdadiger het ‘n paar teikens gereed met R10 se uitgawe hoekom moet ons deur ons nekke betaal vir veiligheid ek dog naasteliefde kos niks en voel nie juis baie vry nie ons onvermoë om oor meer as net ons self bekommerd te wees en die wetgewing waardeur jy gekniehalter word om jou self te beveilig/verdedig laat my wonder of om te sterf vir ander se vryheid nie net ‘n mite is nie want ware vryheid is tog om vry te wees om gelukkig te kan wees maar tans kan jy nie eers met vrymoedigheid ‘n hond wees nie.

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