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Sportday held to unite community

A sportday was held at Video Centre in Muldersdrift to keep the community united and to share viable information.

A sports day was held at Video Centre in Muldersdrift on 9 November to keep the community united and also to share viable information to the run-up of this year’s 16 Days of Activism for no violence against women and children.

The event was supported by the community, businesses, the South African Police Service (SAPS), the Youth Desk and the Community Policing Forum (CPF).

Warrant Officer Hitler Ngwenya, a police spokesperson says the sports day is an annual event since 2008 and was launched with the purpose of getting the community together and to encourage men to refrain from abusing women and children.

“We need to respect them instead. Our children, for instance, need to feel safe and grow up in a safe environment as they will become the leaders of society in the near future.”

He says the men needs to stand up in their community by saying no to rape and abuse.

“The women and children should not be scared when they see men; they need to feel safe when they walk in the street and the men need to feel proud to be men.”

Jorncy Page, chairman of the CPF in Muldersdrift and a present South African Master 1 powerlifting champion says he supports these sports events as a healthy body supports a healthy mind.

Seven soccer and netball teams were on the field and courts to entertain the community but also to keep the young athletes fit.

Jorncy allowed members from the community to test their strength by lifting his weights.

Isaac Sekgobera who was part of organising the event says the event was held also to encourage the youth to use their talent and by doing this, reach out to others.

• This year’s 16 Days of Activism for no violence against women and children campaign will be from 25 November until 10 December.

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