Tersia King Learning Academy hosts multiple sports activities

The first week was dedicated to high school learners, and the second week primary school learners participated in the same sporting activities.

South African Education Investment Company Edugro hosted a sports day at Tersia King Learning Academy (TKLA) on May 11.

Edugro, an umbrella to numerous schools, including TKLA, hosted schools around Gauteng, including Ashbury College, Ridgeway College, Middleburg College, and Saint Francis College.

The event allowed learners to participate in sports that allowed them to engage with each other and compete for the ultimate prize.

Schools participate in chess at TKLA.

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The event’s activities for girls and boys included public speaking, chess, robotics, volleyball, netball and football.

The first week was dedicated to high school learners, and the second week primary school learners participated in the same sporting activities.

TKLA was the first to host the event in Thembisa.

Dr Dirk Venter from TKLA said he was pleased to host a successful event in Thembisa.

“We are celebrating great achievements this year. For 32 years of existence, it is our first time getting a 100% pass rate for Grade 12 and being able to host our first event of this kind.

The netball team was all geared up for the sports day.

ALSO READ: Gauteng Sports Awards celebrate exceptional athletes

“The next step is to find ways to collaborate with surrounding schools ranging from private and public. We want to expose our facilities to other schools that I believe will be helpful for their learning and sports improvements.

“We are not keen on opening our premises for hire but keen on opening doors for schools to meet up and have a beautiful game of football or any sports of their choice.

“For now, I am more focused on academics and our goal is to accumulate another 100% pass rate for the matrics this year,” said Venter.

Football teams sweat it out on the ground for the grand prize.

Head boy of TKLA, Buyelani Makhaya, said he saw his school winning the trophy for the second time.

“We did this with the mentality that everything must align with the purpose of the day. I am impressed at how learners from Ashbury conducted themselves.”

TKLA won the overall event and was crowned winner of the Edugro Trophy for the second time.

Head boy of TKLA Buyelani Makhaya is happy to witness his school host the prestigious event.
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