Another Express reader questions renaming of roads

"People are looking for work, food and accommodation, but we have millions to spend on street name changes that do not mean anything to anybody."

Editor – To the mayor of Ekurhuleni, I am ashamed to call myself a citizen of Kempton Park.

Our civic centre used to be the pride of Kempton where people used to take wedding photos. Now, the garden is in a shocking state of disaster.

Our streets are riddled with potholes and debris and there’s just nothing done about it.

The CBD is in a shocking condition filled with streets that are smelly and dirty.

ALSO READ: Reader objects to renaming of streets

Service delivery to the public needs some serious attention.

Kempton Park in general is falling apart.

People are looking for work, food and accommodation, but we have millions to spend on street name changes that do not mean anything to anybody.

Instead, that money could have been spent on the people of Kempton Park.

This is just another way of wasting public money.

This is now also wasting company resources as well, as the public sector has to go and stand in long queues to change addresses.

I am really shocked at the municipality for the real disrespect of wasting our time and money.
Gerhard Jacobs,


Editor’s comment – The Express requested comment from the City of Ekurhuleni by November 9 at 09:00.
At the time of going to print, no comment had been received.

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