There is no political will to eradicate crime

ISIS’ plan to ensure law-abiding citizens where they rule, is 100 per cent effective

HB of Edleen writes:

I’ve watched in horror a documentary on TV where ISIS publicly beheaded several people in the city square of Aleppo in Syria because they did not follow their rules or obeyed their laws.

I saw the fear and anguish in the eyes of the traumatised onlookers and one senses that none of them will ever disobey ISIS’ rules again.

ISIS’ plan to ensure citizens abide by the law where they rule, is 100 per cent effective. I thought about South Africa’s vast number of murderers, house robbers and carjackers who freely roam our streets while putting good, honest citizens behind bars in their own homes because they simply do not get caught.

Are we the only country in the world where the normal citizens are living in fear because of government’s inability to protect their own? If there is a political will to eradicate contact crimes and to get the people to abide by the law, there will always be a way.

The continuous year-on-year increase of the mentioned crimes shouts loud and clear at every resident that there simply is no will from those whom we’ve voted for to protect us.

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