Wheelie bin theft will be rife

‘I have personally heard of friends in other municipalities experiencing multiple thefts, as the empty bins stand on the pavement all day while they are at work’

IMOGEN LARSEN of Dann Road, Aston Manor writes:

I fully agree with Louis from Birch Acres that the decision of the metro to force the new garbage wheelie bins on residents is idiotic, unfair and totally incompetent in its implementation.

The lightweight plastic garbage bags were practical and manageable for all but the new heavy wheelie bins are a very unfriendly system for especially elderly women or infirm people using walking aids.

Also read:

Wheelie bins: everything you should know

Hierdie nuwe vullishouers gaan nie werk

Does the arrogant council even care? Surely some exemption should be made for frail or elderly people? In typical arrogant bungling fashion, the roll-out has been atrociously handled by council bureaucrats and their political bosses. And the opposition DA has seemingly failed dismally to fight for the rights of their constituents in council meetings.

Thank goodness for the excellent community service of our Kempton Express, which has provided such wonderful information about the roll-out.

The council is seemingly woefully incapable of professionally advising residents of such changes by the simple method of a newsletter accompanying the rates accounts in the mail.

It was the same shambles when they introduced the new pre-paid electricity meters. Absolutely no written advice on the application of the pre-paid electricity purchases. Just a council employee arriving with a pre-paid electricity meter gadget. If Ekurhuleni council had opposition like in the private sector they would be out of business in a flash.

The council should answer some pertinent questions. It is disgusting that long-suffering residents will be liable to pay a whopping R470 (including an exploitative 20 per cent handling fee) to replace a stolen wheelie bin, after the inconvenience of obtaining a police affidavit, especially as the council has admitted that the thefts are rife due to the high monetary value of the bins and the high demand in the townships.

I have personally heard of friends in other municipalities experiencing multiple thefts, as the empty bins stand on the pavement all day while they are at work. Its open theft season and would be a crippling blow to pensioners and people of limited financial standing.

How on earth does the council expect people with small cars or even without transport to collect the cumbersome huge bins from the depot? Did the DA opposition see fit to challenge the many adverse effects for their constituents?

They say communities get the governments and councils they deserve if they remain apathetic. The only solution to stop the political rot is to vote useless regimes out in the next election, and if the DA replaces them and is equally incompetent and unresponsive to our interests, vote them out too, until we get a caring, competent council.

The iconic American Author Mark Twain said: “All politicians are like baby diapers. They need to be changed, often, for the same reason, because they are full of it.”

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