Editor's choiceLettersOpinion

After this noise, prepare for the mother of all parties

'I do not know if it was true or not, but if it is true...'

HB of Edleen writes:

On my way home from Kempton Park Country Club on Saturday afternoon, I was driving in the opposite direction of many pedestrians, cars and taxis making their way to an event at Barnard Stadium.

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Loud noise from Dries Niemandt are driving residents crazy

As I passed a group of people walking on the sidewalk, I leaned out of my car’s window and asked what this was all about.

“We are celebrating the governing party’s support that has dropped to beneath fifty…,” a young man replied with a big smile.

I thanked him and drove off. At 10pm that night, with the rhythm of music from Barnard Stadium still pulsating through our neighbourhood, I thought of the young man’s remark.

I do not know if it was true or not, but if it is true, South Africans can prepare for the mother of all parties after the 2019 election.

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