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Who decides whether you are ‘black’ or ‘white’?

We should stop all discrimination to enable our economy to recover

GEORGIE Z Birchleigh North writes:

I retired in 2001 at the age of 65. Up until that time, I was too busy to get involved in politics although I always voted.

Growing old and being deaf is not easy. I am constantly re-assessing my situation and try to change those things that can be changed and accept those that cannot. It does not help to live in the past. I find that studying politics keeps my brain active.

While on the campaign trail recently, Zuma blamed apartheid for the poor state of our country’s economy and also said we needed more graduates. Now, who is going to be impressed by these statements – the populace?

As far as I am concerned colonialism was superseded by apartheid, apartheid by Mandela’s era. When reconciliation was promoted, we became a democracy and adopted our constitution that does not define “black” and “white”.

We are now in the Zupta Era.

Zuma and his allies have bankrupted our country and have brought shame to the ANC. They are using the words “white” and “black” in every way possible way to cause racial tension so as to curry favour with Zuma’s blacks. They have no respect for our constitution or the laws of the country.

There are also certain ANC members who have expressed the view that the ANC as an organisation is more important than our people and country. I was highly amused when one of our ministers recently defined the Guptas as “black”.

“Black” entrepreneurs are encouraged to start businesses that will create jobs. However, the so-called “white” entrepreneurs are hampered by the BBEE requirements. I know quite a number of white and black people, employed by small “white” companies, who have been retrenched because the companies are not BBEE compliant.

“Black” and “white” is, however, not defined in our constitution.

To stop the manipulation and confusion, we should re-assess the current situation to eliminate discrimination against any of our people as this is the only way to reconcile our country. When “affirmative action” was replaced by “black empowerment” it started going wrong.

Look how Zuma is abusing his “power as president” to enrich himself and bankrupt South Africa. The sins of “apartheid” have now been replaced by “Zuma’s sins” but Zuma is still blaming apartheid.

Seventeen million of our people are on social grants. As these grants are not adequate, young females are having babies to obtain or increase their grants and South Africa’s population is exploding at an alarming rate.

The babies’ future are not considered at all. A well-loved and nurtured child has a better chance to survive and to become a responsible adult. How long would Zuma and his cronies survive on the monthly grant – probably not even a few seconds.

We should stop all discrimination to enable our economy to recover. There are many so-called “white” very capable people who cannot find jobs. “White” students with an average of over 75 per cent are told that because they are “white” they need an average of 85 per cent to be considered for a bursary.

Who decides whether you are “black” or “white”?

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