So-called whites are not the enemy

‘With the Government’s current administration, I predict that the situation for all of us will only deteriorate’

GEORGIE Z of Birchleigh North writes:

The ANC was formed in 1912 to bring together the different groups of people who were oppressed under the white colonial system.

By the 1950s and certainly by the time of the Freedom Charter, the ANC’s message was that South Africa belongs to all who live in it, black and white. Non-racialism was a core belief of the organisation.

Mandela’s vision of a Rainbow Nation confirms that he was promoting a non-racial, non-sexist, united and prosperous society.

After 20 years of ANC rule, our country is bankrupt. The ANC has allowed Zuma and his team to loot our coffers so I wonder what the state of our country will be like in another 20 years?

Instead of jailing Zuma and his team the party is promising radical economic development, black empowerment and dealing with white monopoly capital. Since 1912 the world has changed dramatically.

There are no more unchartered continents to explore and colonisation is no longer a possibility and should be relegated to the history books. We must learn from our past and regularly assess the present to ensure that we don’t make the same mistakes.

As populations are exploding and planet earth is eroding, scientists are already exploring inhabiting other viable planets. The only constant has been the nature of politicians – most are in the game because they are greedy and want power.

South Africa is a fledgling democracy and it is encouraging to see how South Africans of different races, colours and creeds are uniting to get rid of Zuma. However, unless South Africans admit that effectively most of us are mixed breeds and that the so-called whites are not the enemy, but the Government’s current administration, I predict that the situation for all of us will only deteriorate.

Just look at the state of the world where terrorism and wars are raging.

Herewith extracts from Gerbrandt van Heerden’s (Analyst, Institute of Race Relationships) report:

“In 2001 there was a fraction fewer than 4 million people receiving grants, with 12.5 million working. While employment by 2016 had in absolute numbers increased by 24%, those receiving grants had rocketed by 328%.

“This is clearly unsustainable. There is enormous political pressure not only to continue expanding the roll-out but also to increase the value of existing grants. But that is well-nigh impossible, which means living standards for the most vulnerable people in our society will stagnate and then decline.

“It is a dire situation further exacerbated by the nature of President Jacob Zuma’s administration, a de facto kleptocracy. Not only is there less to steal, because of this weakening tax base, but also the levels of larceny are increasing.

“State capture by Zuma-favoured elites is no longer a possibility but a reality. Resources that should be going to grow the economy are being systematically looted at every level of government.”

The Auditor General reports that only 49 out of 263 municipalities managed clean audits and that 27% is simply not sustainable.

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