Convenient slipways in Spartan are gone

Now we all have to go around the traffic lights with limited turning ease


I have to ask this of the roadworks department.

There was once this efficient slipway on each corner of the four-way intersection of Green Avenue and Isando Road in Spartan. Bear in mind thousands of drivers use this intersection on a daily basis and these slipways kept the traffic flowing smoothly, especial for the big trucks.

Suddenly, last year around September, all four slipways were blocked off and big road works began there. So, what was once a smooth-flowing intersection, becomes a traffic jam.

Now we all have to go around the traffic lights with limited turning ease. Just consider how frustrating this must be for the drivers of those huge trucks. These trucks, by no fault of themselves, now cause traffic delays because of their now even more limited turning space.

After the roadworks were finished earlier this year, and the “dust had settled”, we find that the slipways were closed off so that they could build a bus stop, just past the slipway going towards Germiston from Tembisa, for their new bus transport system.

Now, here is my question, how do you justify, firstly, such a major costly exercise for a few buses a day, and secondly, how do they see delaying thousands of road users (24/7) for a few buses a day?

Remember, once this bus system starts running there are going to be strikes and while all this goes on, the rest of us just keep queuing at the once very efficient slipways.

Having said all this, would it be asking too much for them to just simply give us a yield sign on each one of these corners so that everyone wanting to turn left, can just get on their way without unnecessary delays?

Express approached the metro on several occasions for comment on this issue without any feedback – Editor

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