Editor's choiceLettersOpinion

ANC branches and members are turning a blind eye

ANC branches and members should seriously consider doing what is correct and proper.


South Africa is being placed in a very difficult position politically, financially and economically under the current ANC national government leadership.

The executive, under the leadership of the president, and parliament, under leadership of the speaker, has failed South Africans in general from all walks of life.

The current political, financial and economic situation clearly indicates that ANC structures in government, on national, provincial and regional levels, are failing millions upon millions of South Africans. While all this is happening the ANC branches and members remain silent, turning a blind eye and, above all, remaining indifferent to the plight of the country.

The ANC structures on all levels are selected and elected because of ordinary members who form the formidable branch structures of the ANC. What is extremely disturbing is that all and sundry are requesting the top structures of the ANC to address the current political, financial and economic situation by recalling the president.

The ANC cannot recall the president – simply because the ANC constitution guides how the ANC would and should manage its political structures. Having said that, why are ANC branches with their members not playing an active role in correcting what is happening in South Africa?

Because, in a democracy like South Africa’s, leaders and office-bearers are democratically elected. With that in mind, ANC branches and members should seriously consider doing what is correct and proper in the best interests of South Africa and its people.

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