Editor's choiceLettersOpinion

Mr Mayor, get them off their chairs

Heads of department never respond to complaints in the newspaper

JOHN NAICKER of Pomona writes:

Dear Mr Mayor,

I have just received a copy of the Kempton Express (the residents of Kempton Park’s official newspaper) and as usual, I find letters of complaint from residents pertaining to service delivery, where we do not get any comment or replies from your departments.

Express ensures that when residents write to the editor regarding service delivery complaints, they seek response from the relevant metro department so the response can be included with the letter. But 99% of the time there is no response.

Residents are compelled to write to the people’s paper because of the poor response we get from your grossly overpaid, underworked departmental spokespeople.

Please, Mr Mayor, I urge you to get your department heads off their chairs and start working for the people, or the people will respond just the way the people of Johannesburg and Tshwane have done. It’s never too late.

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