Telkom fixes resident’s ADSL line

'Whatever Marcus did, did indeed stabilise the line and the speed is now more stable'

ANONYMOUS of Glen Marais writes:

Thank you for publishing my letter, “Telkom ADSL line does not work“.

I do believe in giving credit where credit is due and have great news.

Shortly after making contact with you, I got hold of the Telkom CEO’s office number. I was assisted by a Luanda and a Simbulele. They assured me highest priority and a senior network specialist would be assigned to my Telkom fault.

I was skeptical at first and didn’t think much of the promises made.

This was on November 18.

On the Monday morning I was contacted by a Telkom technician named Marcus. He indicated he was working on the line and would update me accordingly.

To my surprise, Marcus managed to accomplish what I suspect the three previous Telkom technicians did not have the skill set to do. He stabilised my Telkom line at the expected 4mb speed.

I will confess I am not entirely satisfied with the quality of the line, however, whatever Marcus did, did indeed stabilise it and the speed is now more stable and constant than before.

Marcus indicated the issues were related to cable theft and due to multiple joins in the line to the exchange. This would affect the speed and quality.

However, I can truly say the line is indeed much better now. I am still monitoring at this point, but haven’t experienced any further issues to date.

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