
Laerskool Edleen hosts annual netball tournament

Marinda Geldenhuys said the camaraderie between the schools to build relationships and keep them healthy inspired the tournament.

Laerskool Edleen held its annual Kempton Park mini-netball day on May 11.

The atmosphere was filled with fun, food and parents supporting their children.

Marinda Geldenhuys, Laerskool Edleen’s netball organiser, said the festival takes place in May annually.
She said five schools each get a turn to host the event on a Saturday.

Laerskool Birchleigh’s netball team.

“These tournaments are beneficial for the players in many ways. It is education happening outside the classroom,” said Geldenhuys.

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“Players learn to build relationships and work together as a team. The main focus is the continuous development of personalities, skills, and togetherness.

“The event is also a day where dads, moms, grandfathers and grandmothers can enjoy time together while they show their support for their respective schools and community,” said Geldenhuys.

She said netball is her passion.

“It is always a pleasure to see the children use the tools the coaches give them in the future to step into the world as adults.

“It cultivates values in everyone and should be cherished.”

A scene at the mini-netball games.

The participating schools included Laerskool Impala, Laerskool Edleen, Laerskool Kruinsig, Aston Manor Primary School and Laerskool Birchleigh.

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Geldenhuys said the camaraderie between the schools to build relationships and keep them healthy inspired the tournament.

“The girls train three times a week after school. In this, values and discipline are also cultivated, so the children know they are expected to do their homework,” she said.

Some of the mini-netball action.

“At Laerskool Edleen, we value exposing learners to many opportunities.

“Edleen’s coaches and teachers must be motherly figures for the girls.

“The mutual respect and appreciation shown by the girls is the greatest inspiration and motivation to coach and be part of their lives,” said Geldenhuys.

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