Letter: Dogs locked in the car at Bonaero Centre parking shock community

"The car was noticed at 13:15. At 13:43, almost 30 minutes later, the owners were still not back from their shopping."

EDITOR – Recently a silver Ford Fiesta was spotted in the car park of the Bonaero Centre.

The three occupants of the vehicle had locked their two dogs, a pit bull and a Yorkie in the car, and went shopping.

The window was only slightly open, even though it was very hot outside.

The pitbull was panting heavily and the yorkie was panting and was distressed.

The Yorkie’s jersey was even left on.

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The car was noticed at 13:15. At 13:43, almost 30 minutes later, the owners were still not back from their shopping.

When they were seen leaving the shop, members of the public stopped them to inform them their dogs were overheating in the locked car.

They were unconcerned and even swore at the people asking them to go back to the car.

Why couldn’t one of the dog’s owners have stayed with the dogs to keep the windows open, while the others did the shopping?

After being confronted, only one person came back to the car, the other two remained in the bottle store. The one who returned also swore at bystanders who confronted her about leaving the dogs unattended.

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Shame on you people, 30 minutes locked in a hot car is just cruel.

And it would have been longer if somebody hadn’t come to fetch you.

I bet you don’t sit in the car with the window almost closed on a hot day for even 10 minutes, never mind for 30 minutes.

Angry resident

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