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Mayor’s reflection on 100 days in office gets mixed reaction

The mayor described the newly established service delivery war room as ‘a success’, which has reportedly decreased response times for fixing leaking water pipes, streetlights, potholes, and electricity issues.

Ekurhuleni executive mayor Nkosindiphile Xhakaza reflected on his first 100 days in office during a council meeting on August 29, stating his administration has improved service delivery since he assumed the role in April.

He said his administration’s efforts over the past 100 days started to bear fruit, particularly in stabilising governance and enhancing service delivery under the theme, ‘A responsive city working with agility to restore service delivery to the people.’

ALSO READ: Mayor outlines plans for the City of Ekurhuleni

Xhakaza outlined six key pillars guiding his administration – providing quality and sustainable services; rebuilding a strong financial base; conducting essential repairs and maintenance; investing in critical infrastructure through public-private partnerships; fostering economic growth with a focus on the aerotropolis and revitalising the manufacturing sector, and upholding ethical governance.

Community imbizos have been reintroduced, which Xhakaza credited with improving service delivery by directly addressing issues raised by residents.

Executive mayor Nkosindiphile Xhakaza with speaker of council Nthabiseng Tshihvenga with the certificate the city received from Salga for being a leading municipality in the rapid response team on gender-based violence in Gauteng.

“These engagements are critical in ensuring we identify stubborn service delivery breakdowns and resolve them efficiently.

“They further connect us with our people, strengthen accountability and transparency, and build trust with our communities,” he stated, noting that these imbizos would occur every six months.

The mayor described the newly established service delivery war room as ‘a success’, which has reportedly decreased response times for fixing leaking water pipes, streetlights, potholes, and electricity issues.

He acknowledged the true test of his administration’s resolve would unfold in the coming months and years as they strive to turn ambitious goals into lasting realities.

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Despite the mayor’s positive outlook, the DA expressed disappointment with his speech, criticising what they described as a ‘utopia of service delivery and good governance’ that does not reflect the reality for many residents, particularly in Germiston.

Ward 39 Clr Jean Ingram voiced frustration, stating, “What a pity the residents of Germiston have not experienced any of this.

“If anything, they probably experienced your 100 days of no electricity.”

Ingram detailed ongoing issues in her ward, including frequent power outages, water shortages, and inadequate waste management, which she argued have left residents disillusioned.

In his response, the mayor acknowledged the challenges in suburban areas like Ward 39 and expressed the administration’s commitment to improving service delivery there.

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Speaker of council Nthabiseng Tshihvenga added the city is exploring new ways to enhance communication with residents in these areas and urged them to participate in future imbizo meetings.

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