New leadership for Northern Educational Transport Coordinators introduced

The event held at Tlamatlama Primary School on July 27 saw stakeholders and parents who rely on NETCO’s services introduced to the new panel of leaders responsible for their transportation needs.

Northern Educational Transport Coordinators (NETCO) held a special gathering with the Ministry of Transport to welcome new leadership to fulfil transportation obligations in Thembisa.The event held at Tlamatlama Primary School on July 27 saw stakeholders and parents who rely on NETCO’s services introduced to the new panel of leaders responsible for their transportation needs.

NETCO specialises in the transportation of learners in the country.

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The previous management panel headed the organisation since 2012.

The new panel was elected in May.

Chairperson of NETCO Lucky Mazibuko said the new panel will implement new strategies while also relying on the previous ones.

“The aim is to deliver a proper service to the parents and children. We will work closer with parents, ensuring transparency.

“The safety of the children is our priority.

“We will also work closely with schools to share ideas and ensure everything runs smoothly.

“Our priority is to engage with school leaders.

“One challenge we are experiencing is the numerous transporters operating illegally.

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“We encourage these operators to join our organisation to be regulated properly.

“Handling children is a challenge, therefore we have a governing body to ensure the drivers and children are protected at all costs.

Parents get introduced to the new NETCO panel.

“From the school gate to their homes, the learners are under the driver’s care. We need drivers to unite and be part of us so that we can operate honestly for the sake of parents and learners.”

Kgabo Selolo, PRO of NETCO said the new panel focuses on ensuring their customers are satisfied with their services.

“Lately, some parents have lost interest in the transportation industry because of piracy.

We are trying to implement innovations that will help to fix this mess. We are not in a hurry, as we want everything to align.

“We will work closer with every member trying to regain their trust as they trust us with transporting their children daily. For now, we will be in touch with parents, trying to gather solutions to provide better transport services.”

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