City of Ekurhuleni changes it’s primary banker

Customers who prefer to pay through electronic funds transfer can do so through most of the traditional banks.

The City of Ekurhuleni has changed its primary banker in accordance with the municipal supply chain management regulation that prescribes competitive bidding for procuring banking services and that the service may not be for more than five years.

The banking service of the new primary banker commenced on July 1.

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However, the changes of a primary banker do not affect customers and the municipal account the customers use for payment of services.

The reference number provided on municipal statements allows the city to allocate money to the correct account.

Customers who prefer to pay through electronic funds transfer can do so through most of the traditional banks.

Alternatively, payments can be made through the e-Siyakhokha online payment system at as well as third-party vendors such as retailers.

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