Psychosocial services rendered to Thembisa High

The event also formed part of the national Department of Social Development (DSD) calendar of events which includes Child Protection Week.

Ga Rona Community Development Centre was given an endorsement by the Department of Basic Education at Ekurhuleni North district to render psychosocial services to learners from various schools in the Thembisa area.

The organisation dispatched a team consisting of three social workers, four social auxiliary workers and eight community-based counsellors to five schools in the area.

Services were provided to Thembisa Commerce and Entrepreneurship SOS, Zitikeni Secondary School, Tswelopele Secondary School, Bokamoso Secondary School and Winnie Mandela Secondary School.

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The organisation also responds to cases reported from other schools around Thembisa.

Officials work closely with the officials from the department, learner support agents as well as support teams from each of those schools.

Aaron Moepa wishes greater things for the learners in Thembisa.

Ga Rona refers cases to other child protection organisations in the area for further intervention.

Ga Rona Community Development Centre and Thembisa Commerce and Entrepreneurship SOS hosted a Child Protection Week event on May 30 at Thembisa High School.

The event formed part of the UN Women UNiTE Campaign to end violence against women and children which is celebrated by the organisation on the 25 day of each month.

The day was declared as an Orange Day.

The event also formed part of the national Department of Social Development (DSD) calendar of events which includes Child Protection Week which usually takes place from May 25 to June 1 annually.

Event coordinator, social worker and director of Ga Rona Community Development Center, Aaron Maepa outlined the purpose of the event.

“The main purpose of the event was twofold.

“We wanted to address mental health challenges that children experience as a result of childhood traumas, exposure to family or community violence and other environmental factors such as high crime rate and substance abuse.

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“The other purpose was to sensitise learners about services that are available for children in our community.”

“The event was targeting Grade 8 learners so that they get empowered at a very young age for them to be able to be resilient throughout their journey in the high school journey.

“A total number of 83 Grade 8 learners were reached on the day,” added Maepa.

The event was characterised by the candle lighting ceremony led by Thembisa Faith Based Organisations, reading and signing of the pledge to take action against violence directed at children, women and LGBTQIA+ community.

Various stakeholders presented their services during the event including Ga Rona Community Development Centre, SAPS GBV and FCS unit, Department of Social Development, ChildLine Gauteng, National Prosecuting Authority and the Ekurhuleni North Stakeholders Forum.

A total of 33 stakeholders attended the event.

“Ga Rona will continue with its work to empower the learners and their family members throughout the year.

“We are looking forward to implementing more programmes like this including anti-bullying campaigns during the third term as bullying is one of the challenges identified in various schools around Thembisa,” said Maepa.

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