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Zuurfontein Cemetery clean-up continues

The next clean-up for the Zuuurfontein cemetery will take place on June 8, from 8:00 to 14:30.

Zuurfontein Cemetery Group was joined once again by members of AfriForum for a cemetery clean-up on May 4.

Joos Nel, of Zuurfontein Cemetery Group, said together the groups were able to install four bins at the cemetery.

“The drums were sponsored by Sereth Logistics and Martinette Huggett. The material to complete the making of bins was funded by the Zuurfontein Cemetery Group,” said Nel.

“The modification of the bins was done by myself and the members of the group contributed to the funding of cement and poles for the planting of the bins.”

Some of the action that took place.

Residents said they would continue with the project until Zuurfontein Cemetery returns to its former glory.

ALSO READ: Residents join hands for a clean-up at Zuurfontein Cemetery

“We, as a concerned citizens group, want to restore the cemetery to a peaceful, beautiful place where family and friends can spend time with their loved ones.

“There are so many valuable historical stories at the cemetery to be shared with our next generation and they deserve the respect and dignity from us,” added Nel.

During the latest clean-up focus was placed on grass cutting and tree trimming.

“The cleaning of the cemetery is a huge undertaking. We are trying to do as much as possible during the monthly events,” said Nel.

“Considering that at present, we are only a few committed community members working together, it would be appreciated if more community members would engage with us to restore the cemetery.”

ALSO READ: Zuurfontein Cemetery gets cleaned up

Nel said Rome was not built in one day and their goal will be reached.

He said the members of the group are excited by the progress achieved.

Nel added that the group was grateful for the assistance received from AfriForum and Ernest Hoddinott.

He said ward councillors Tracy Lourenco, Amanda Davison and Bronwyn Ann Engelbrecht also joined the clean-up.

Zuurfontein Cemetery Group member Martinette Huggett emphasised the importance of working together in achieving their mission and goals for the cemetery to be restored to its old state.

Zuurfontein Cemetery Group and AfriForum met again for another clean-up at the cemetery, on May 4.

“I am happy to have joined the group and to do some work at the cemetery for our loved ones. It makes me feel I am doing something in my life,” said Huggett.

“I am a very sociable person and clicked with everyone. It made me feel good to look and having donated the drums so the cemetery can look clean with no rubbish laying around.

ALSO READ: What is the maintenance plan Zuurfontein Cemetery?

“I am going to stand with the group leaders to help them to achieve their goals. The Lord will give us the strength to do our best,” said Huggett.

Huggett said she would also like to see the West Street Cemetery cleaned up one day, as it is also in a bad state.
Nel said the next clean-up at Zuuurfontein Cemetery will take place on June 8, from 08:00 to 14:30.

Residents who are interested in joining the Zuurfontein Cemetry Group may contact Joos Nel on 083 306 5006 for more information


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