10bet Gear-Up ikasi initiative to fuel the dreams of amateur sports

Amateur teams in Gauteng are encouraged to participate in the Gear-Up ikasi campaign by submitting their motivations through the official 10bet South Africa Facebook page.

In an effort to support, uplift and improve amateur sports, 10bet has announced the launch of its ground-breaking campaign, Gear-Up ikasi.

Launched on November 21, this 10-month initiative aims to answer the call for essential sporting needs for community soccer and netball teams based in Gauteng, addressing the challenges faced by these teams due to limited budgets and financial constraints.

Amateur sports teams in South Africa often operate on shoestring budgets, struggling to afford high-quality kits and necessary equipment.

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Many of these teams rely on donations to purchase kits and maintain their operations, leaving them vulnerable to missing important opportunities without the correct gear.

Recognising this need, 10bet has stepped in with Gear-Up ikasi, a campaign designed to make a significant impact on community sports in Gauteng.

Over the next 10 months, teams are invited to send in their motivations, outlining their challenges and aspirations.

From these submissions, a random selection of deserving teams will be made to receive full soccer or netball kits, as well as other essentials, ensuring they can compete and grow with confidence and pride.

“We understand the challenges faced by community sports teams, and we believe that every team deserves the opportunity to play the sport they love with the proper gear,” said Zanele Nhlapo, from 10bet South Africa.

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“Gear-Up ikasi is our way of giving back to the community and supporting the growth of sports at the community level.

“By providing these essentials which range from kits and footwear to balls and training equipment, we hope to empower these teams and inspire future generations of athletes,” said Nhlapo.

She said the Gear-Up ikasi campaign aligns with 10bet’s unwavering commitment to reach, uplift and positively impact disadvantaged communities by focusing on the transformative power of sports.

“By investing in the local sports scene, 10bet aims to nurture talent, promote teamwork, and foster a sense of belonging among aspiring athletes,” said Nhlapo.

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Amateur teams in Gauteng are encouraged to participate in the Gear-Up ikasi campaign by submitting their motivations through the official 10bet South Africa Facebook page.

The selection process will be fair and transparent, ensuring that the chosen teams truly reflect the spirit and dedication of the local sports community.

For more information about Gear-Up ikasi, how to participate and for terms and conditions, please visit www.blog.10bet.co.za

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