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Leaders in healthcare commend clinic for fight against HIV/Aids

The collaborative efforts and achievements of clinics like Thembisa Main Clinic are pivotal in achieving broader health security goals.

A distinguished delegation visited the Thembisa Main Clinic on November 14 in a noteworthy acknowledgement of the progress made in the fight against HIV/Aids.

Attending were Dr John Blanford (director of CDCSA), Dr Hank Tomlinson (Global Health Security and diplomacy chair for South Africa) and Dr Jason Bowman (CDC deputy principal for South Africa).

Thembisa Clinic received praise for its commitment to the HIV/Aids epidemic.

In the never-ending battle against HIV/Aids, the clinic has become a shining example of success, receiving praise from international health authorities for its outstanding work.

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The distinguished group seized the chance to observe the creative solutions and committed work the clinic has been doing to mitigate the effects of the pandemic.

According to the CDC, the clinic serves as a model for effective healthcare strategies in the battle against HIV/Aids.

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