
Letter: Local motorist grateful for fixed road

"I am sure the ward councillor is also pleased to see that one of the many problems within her ward has now been dealt with."

EDITOR – Pedestrians and motorists travelling along that stretch of Pretoria Road between the Elgin Road roundabout (traffic circle) and Beukes Avenue will be aware that for some years now, the paving has been badly broken, forcing pedestrians to either risk injury to themselves should they lose their footing and fall, or risk danger from vehicles when walking in the road to avoid the badly-broken paving.

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The roads department has recently re-laid that stretch of paving brick and is to be thanked for attending to this problem.

I am sure the ward councillor is also pleased to see that one of the many problems within her ward has now been dealt with.

As a motorist who frequently travels along that stretch of road, I too am appreciative that I no longer have to avoid pedestrians walking on the road.

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Relieved Motorist
Kempton Park

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