
Voice of the Voter: Residents shed light on issues across Kempton Park

By shedding light on these local concerns, residents can make more informed decisions about the leadership they elect.

The Kempton Express invites all residents to speak up about their service delivery concerns.

Whether it is the persistent problem of potholes, the frustration of frequent load-shedding, the dire state of infrastructure, the scourge of illegal mining, or the challenges facing the local economy, every voice holds significance in shaping the future of our communities.

While attention will focus on electing national and provincial leadership, it is crucial not to overlook the issues in our towns and neighbourhoods.

By shedding light on these local concerns, residents can make more informed decisions about the leadership they elect to represent their interests at a broader level.

Here’s what some of our readers had to say:

Street lights left unrepaired for nine years

While many streets throughout Kempton Park have out-of-order lampposts lining their pavements, one, in particular, needs mentioning.

Green Avenue from Flamboyant to Haakdoring has been without any working street lights since 2015.

Repeated requests to the ward councillor to have the matter attended to have been in vain.

She escalates the complaint to the appropriate municipal department, where it is registered and promptly ignored.

It is an exceptionally busy thoroughfare during peak traffic times.

The problems encountered because of the total darkness of the area:

• It is almost impossible to see any side roads onto which some vehicles need to turn when faced with the lights of oncoming traffic.
• Early morning refuse collectors are virtually invisible until the very last moment.
• Security and safety are compromised for both pedestrians and homeowners.

Residents pay for this service, which is not supplied.
David H

Stock Image.

Irate resident in dark over streetlight repair

The street lights on Rustig Avenue East in Van Riebeeck Park have been out since February 18.

I logged a call at the call centre on February 20 and received a reference number.

Four phone calls later, I was told it would take 21 days to repair.

I was later told it would take 28 days to repair.

I was told twice that the complaint would be marked as urgent.

We still do not have streetlights.

The state of the pavements around our complex in Bergriver Drive, Terenure.

Failing infrastructure in Terenure

This is the disgusting state of the pavements around our complex in Bergriver Drive, Terenure.

When the raw sewage dams up in the road, the heavy-duty vehicles spray the raw sewage metres in the air and onto the pavement.

The stench is unbelievable as the sewage contains sanitary pads, excrement and urine and then flows into the two dams and the stream.

Roberts Cosslett

Catalina Road between Mars and Mustang streets.

Digging up road affects businesses

I am truly disturbed by the decision to close Catalina Road between Mars and Mustang streets without doing any impact study or consulting with the businesses or homeowners in the area.

Immediately, three to four businesses were directly impacted by ripping up the road because it took away direct access to them.

Not once did we receive any notification of the intent of what they plan to do, and I feel this was badly managed.

Share your story

Residents are encouraged to participate in the Kempton Express series, Voice of the Voter.

To contribute, email your leads for this editorial series to, marking the subject line as Voice of the Voter. Attach to your mail a photo illustrating the area of concern, its location and a brief description.

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