Nursery school showcase Christmas tree made with glass bottles

Nursery school aims to create awareness about recycling in the community.

Bedfordview nursery school, Huggy Bears, has done it again – creating a Christmas tree with environmentally friendly materials to preserve the environment and drawing attention to the need to recycle.

The nursery school opted to use glass bottles collected from parents, which will be recycled.

Owner and principal Lisa Correia said the world needs to know there is a need for recycling.

A glass bottle Christmas tree.

“Children need to know about recycling. We have to teach young children and show them that we can do much more.

“I am trying to send the message to the world that we need to recycle and separate recyclable items.

“It’s glass and children will know that glass goes into a separate bin,” said Lisa.

She added that South Africa is slightly behind when it comes to recycling.

“As a country, we haven’t quite grasped that concept. You do not put the paper together with plastic. You do not put a glass with your normal rubbish that you throw away in the kitchen.

“It is important to know that things can be recycled,” she said.

She urged people to reuse items as much as possible and then have them recycled to save the planet.


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