City clamps down on illegal trading in Thembisa

Traders would only be permitted to trade again once they met all the requirements with the necessary documentation.

Ekurhuleni’s MMC for Community Safety Letlogonolo Moseki and the EMPD By-Laws Unit clamped down on lawlessness at the Swazi-Inn informal traders’ market.

ALSO READ: Increased number of EMPD officers will bolster fight against crime says MMC for Community Safety

This was during a recent special operation aimed at traders in violation of by-law requirements.

Ekurhuleni’s MMC for Community Safety Letlogonolo Moseki urged local business owners to comply with cities by-laws.

In a press release by the COE, trading permit licenses of traders were inspected and those found to not be in compliance with by-law regulations were instructed to close their stalls.

Traders would only be permitted to trade again once they met all the requirements with the necessary documentation.

The MMC emphasised the importance of by-laws and their role in assisting in the smooth running of the City of Ekurhuleni.

He also urged traders to follow the necessary procedures in order to regulate services and keep the city clean.

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