Know your local NGO: You Are Not Alone

The NGO fights against gender-based violence.

Many South African women are victims of gender-based violence, yet a large number of cases go unreported.

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You Are Not Alone is an NPO dedicated to ending gender-based violence and assisting women (and their children) who have been abused.

The NPO was founded in 2020. It is based at the police station in Rabasotho.

Jabulile Cynthia Maseko, the organisation’s founder, said the organisation promotes survivors’ healing, seeks justice and effects change in communities.

It also tries to lessen survivors’ suffering and encourages them to report any form of abuse, as well as to assist communities in combating high domestic abuse rates and inadequacies in the criminal justice system.

“I was exposed to GBV when I was a child. I’ve seen the effects of a poisonous atmosphere on youngsters. So, one of the factors of GBV, I’ve learnt, is a lack of communication between families, as well as our culture, which promotes men to be stronger than women who are unable to express their emotions,” said Maseko.

“We offer support groups where we empower women by connecting them to work prospects and learnership opportunities from a variety of sources. They also talk about ways to make money, such as sewing and selling items.

“The community may contribute to our organisation because we don’t have enough means to run the project, but we are preparing a netball tournament in April as a fund-raiser,” said Maseko.

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