Safety tips when lightning strikes

Unplug all electronics, as lightning can strike power cables outside your home and travel into the electronic equipment via electricity cables, Arrive Alive warned.

According to the South African Weather Service, approximately 260 people are killed by lightning in South Africa each year.

Arrive Alive said in a statement that it’s not always possible to predict where and when lightning will strike, but provided some tips to help keep you, your family and possessions safe if a lightning activity happens.

“Severe electrical shocks, like lightning strikes to the body, affect almost every organ and tissue and may cause extensive damage. Some of the after-effects of a lightning strike include cardiac and pulmonary arrest (no pulse and no breathing), usually temporary paralysis, temporary deafness and minor to severe burns,” said Arrive Alive.

Arrive Alive explained what to do when a person is struck by lightning:

Arrive Alive has warned that you should be prepared and ready to respond to a lightning strike. “With our beautiful late afternoon thunderstorms, it is almost a guarantee that they will be accompanied by beautiful lightning. Thunder and lightning usually start some time before it starts to rain, so don’t wait until the rain starts before you take action and get to an area of safety.”

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Arrive Alive’s tips to keep you safe: 

Always be cautious and aware during electrical storms. Rather ensure your safety than take any unnecessary risks.

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