WATCH: A year later abandoned baby is flourishing

Marietjie Smit took the boy in after his biological mother tried to sell him the same day she gave birth to him

IF you’re a regular EXPRESS reader, you’ll remember the touching story of a baby boy who was nearly sold to sangomas by his drug-addict mother just over a year ago.

Well, baby William* turned one on July 22 and he is as healthy and happy as ever.

Marietjie Smit, his prospective foster mother, threw a big Chipmunks-themed party for her son and had all his friends come over to celebrate with him.

Also read:

Baby saved from being sold for drug money by his mom

“He got lots and lots of presents, including a mini jungle gym and a riding horse. His cake was also Chipmunks because he loves them so much,” Marietjie says.

Sitting in the living room on a sofa across from the trauma councillor, we speak about how the past year has been since taking William in and deciding to raise him.

Marietjie took William in after his biological mother tried to sell him the same day she gave birth to him. She used drugs throughout her pregnancy, so it is a miracle that William is a healthy, bouncing baby.

“We have taken him for tests at the clinic and he is perfectly normal, has a lot of energy and is extremely clever. He only sleeps for one hour in the day,” she laughs.

She is now in the process of adopting him.

“His mother also asked that we take him permanently.”

The last time Marietjie saw William’s biological mother was earlier this year when she came to their home. That’s when she said it was a good idea for Marietjie to take William permanently. She had already been interviewed by social workers and she encouraged the adoption.

“She has only seen him a few times and each time it would be sort of awkward and detached. When she tried to hold him, he would cry.”

There is simply no connection between William and his biological mother. However, sometimes life shows that the person you come to know as your mother is not necessarily the woman who gave birth to you.

Marietjie says as far as she knows, William’s biological mom, who is 24 years old, is still on the streets and using drugs. From what she has told Marietjie, her own mother was a prostitute and she has been living on the streets since she was 12. Child welfare confirmed to Marietjie that she has four other children.

“I don’t think she is a bad person at all. I just really feel sorry for her and pray and hope that one day someone can help her get off the streets and improve her life.”

Marietjie says after the story was published in the EXPRESS last year, she had many people contacting her and offering to adopt William.

“But I just didn’t trust that someone else will look after him and care for him the way I would.”

Marietjie says she will tell him the truth one day when he’s old enough and he can ask all the questions he wants because it is only right that he knows.

“However, I will also tell him that I never want him to feel rejected or unwanted and will teach him the importance of family. I also never want him to fear anything in life.”

But for now, they are just taking it one day at a time.

“He has changed my life completely. He is such a blessing in my life. My whole life revolves around him; I just want to make sure he’s okay at all times. I enjoy being his mom so much. We just thank God every day for this little angel who has changed so many people’s lives and brings so much joy.”

After the interview, little William waved “ta-ta” to me with his tiny right hand. I was more than happy with this brief interaction because the whole time the only moments we communicated was when he was grabbing my car keys, sunglasses and camera.

Marietjie and William waved goodbye to me as they saw me out of the driveway. I can’t help but be grateful for what Marietjie has done for William – she has given him hope. Many abandoned and abused children are not so lucky.

*Not his real name

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