Tersia King Learning Academy learners help needy children

Learners help needy children in their community.

Tersia King Learning Academy Representative Council of Learners (RCL) reached out to Arebaokeng Hospice in Hospitalview to give most needed items.

On June 28 the learners donate clothes and adult diapers to the hospice.

The school’s educator, Jeanette Van Staden, said the RCL members made a request to all secondary learners to contribute clothes and money.

“We used the money to buy the diapers and we then donated the diapers and the clothes to the hospice. This is the beginning of a long lasting relationship with Arebaokeng Hospice. It’s going to be part of the school’s outreach program where we will raise funds and donate monthly wherever there’s a need.

We chose to have the relationship with Arebaokeng Hospice because they are within the same vicinity as us and they are serving the same community of Hospitalview,” said Van Staden.

She said the school is proud of the learners for the initiative of caring for the less fortunate.

“Giving is not a single person’s responsibility but it is the community’s duty to take care of the needy in the spirit of ubuntu,” said Van Staden.

Arebaokeng Hospice founder Flora Modiba said the 2017 class of grade 12 from Tersia King Learning Academy made history by creating the relationship between the school and the hospice.

“They are the first students to donate clothes to the vulnerable children of Arebaokeng Hospice. The gesture is highly appreciated and we hope they have paved a way for other learners in other schools to follow suit. We would like to congratulate learners from Tersia King Learning Academy and wish them a bright future,” said Modiba.

She said the learners have already demonstrated that they will be responsible citizens.

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