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New shoes for deserving learners

Needy school children receive new shoes from a foundation.

Needy children from Moduopo Primary School received new shoes on July 29.

The school’s principal, Mr Masilo Serumula, said more than 100 children received new school shoes on the day.

According to Mr Serumula, most of the children who benefitted on the day are orphans, some are raised by single parents and some come from child-headed families.

“I believe this is going to benefit the children. Some of the children came to school barefoot. But now, because they have shoes, it will encourage them to come to school and enjoy life like other children,” said Mr Serumula.

The school’s deputy principal, Ms Maleshoane Tsoku, said the school submitted a list of needy children to the Dhladhla Foundation. The foundation then delivered the new school shoes for the children.

“The donation came in handy because some of the learners’ parents are unemployed and this will help keep the learners warm this winter,” said Ms Tsoku.

Ms Tsoku the school was also privileged to have four additional sets of school shoes donated by the school’s retired teachers, Ms Makosha Peu and Mrs Maude Maphuti, from the Caring Companion Club.

Ms Tsoku said the school was grateful for the gesture from both donors.

Link for shoes distribution.

Portion taken from their video and re-edited to put in The Tembisan title:

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