Fine art on display

Budding artists had the opportunity to showcase their work recently.

Local fine artists showcased their work in a six-day exhibition that kicked off on May 22.

The Bekezela Arts exhibition was hosted at the Moses Molelekwa Arts Centre, where locals were able to view the work until May 28.

“The exhibition’s themes were, ‘How Do You Perceive Your Township?’ and ‘What is History to You,'” said event organiser Ms Sindiswa Madlopa.

“We were selling mainly Tembisa art work.”

She said as an artist herself, she knows how hard it is to sell her art.

“Normally, when we sell our art, we sell on a commission basis. This means a certain amount of my fee has to be paid to a curator,” said Ms Madlopa.

She said some exhibition centres want the submission of a portfolio, consisting of the artist’s previous works.

Ms Madlopa said this makes it difficult for budding artists to exhibit their work.

“I decided to host a free exhibition where the artists get all the money from each sale,” said Ms Madlopha.

She said this will aid the discovery of new artists and will create a platform to sell their work regardless of their portfolio.

“This will inspire Kasi artists to keep on creating.”

On May 27, patrons were treated to a motivational conference where prominent artists and entrepreneurs like DJ Sbu, DJ Shimza and Kenny Mamesta gave tips to encourage locals to never give up on their dreams.

On May 28 the exhibition wrapped up with a music festival, where 30 celebrities and 20 local acts entertained spectators.

Ms Madlopa said the top three exhibiting pupils from five primary schools were rewarded.

“As this event is meant to be an annual event, we were looking into selecting more primary schools and also challenging high schools. Our objective is to challenge and change the mindsets of young people,” said Ms Madlopa.

She said it was difficult to get artists and the preparation process took months.

The only Durban fine artist featured in the exhibition, Ntombenhle Mbongwe, said, “I felt welcomed when working with the Tembisa community. This proves that communities become one when artists are put together. Bekezela has given artists a statement in Tembisa and I want to applaud Sindi for this initiative,” said Ms Mbongwe.

“I want to thank Jan Komane (Ms Madlopa’s business partner), the community, featured celebrities and local artists for their support and making Bekezela possible,” said Ms Madlopa.

She gave special thanks to Mr Sipho Dladla and her mother for sponsoring the event.

“Thanks to the City of Ekurhuleni for providing the venue,” she said.

Seen below are some of the artworks exhibited.

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