Commuters attacked near station

Commuters who walk in the veld between Goodies for Gardens and Pretoria Road should be wary

COMMUTERS who walk in the veld between Goodies for Gardens and Pretoria Road should be wary of being brutally attacked and robbed on their way home or to work.

According to a concerned citizen, two of her friends were recently attacked and robbed in separate incidents.

“I wasn’t a victim of the crimes but a close friend was. According to him they hit him with a brick on the head and he fell down and couldn’t run away. They carried him into the bushes, tied his hands behind him and his feet to a tree,” she said.

The robbers took his money, belt, shoes, phones and his bank card. He was forced to give them his pin number so they could withdraw money from his account.

“Two of them went to the ATM while others stayed behind keeping watch. When they found there was no money they came back and assaulted him with bricks, sticks and fists with one of them insisting they finish him off,” she added.

She said he was left at the spot where they had assaulted and robbed him but fortunately he managed to free himself and made his way home.

“I can’t even imagine how he got home as his foot was injured and he couldn’t even step on it. The attack happened around 7pm and he only got home after 10pm. Normally it’s a five-minute walk from the dam to where he stays.

“He was in so much pain and an ambulance had to be called to take him to hospital. The case was never reported to the police,” she said.

She also accounts of another friend who was attacked just three weeks after that.

“What is sad is she is a woman but they were so brutal with her when they attacked her. She and her boyfriend were together when the attack took place,” she said.

Both were attacked with bricks and what appeared to be a toy gun. They too managed to find their way home and called the police but according to them they never came.

“My main worry is with the constant poor service delivery from the trains forcing people to get off late and the festive season is just around the corner more and more people will be attacked,” she ended.

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