
LETTER: Reader calls on CoE to tend to Bonaero Park

"The weeds growing on the paving are just destroying the paving."

Editor – I would like to put this question to the Ekurhuleni Kempton Park municipality.
Do you know that there is a suburb in your area called Bonaero Park?
Today, November 16, while walking around our once beautiful suburb I am appalled at the disgusting state it is in. There is litter all over.
We are well into summer and still no grass has been cut, for over a year now.
Your bacon was saved by the fires that spread through our open lands and wetlands at the cost of the birds.
Complexes are employing private companies to cut grass for security reasons.
The weeds growing on the paving are just destroying the paving.
The uncut areas are now being used as dump sites and I haven’t even started on the mess around the “Poo Lake Bird Sanctuary”, which would fill a book.
I plead with the powers that be to drive through Bonaero Park and note the mess. Or alternatively, can we get some commitment from the City Parks Department, manager or mayor when they are coming to Bonaero Park to clean it up?
Elayne Henderson.

Editor’s comment – The Express requested comment from CoE by November 20.

At the time of going to print, no comment had been received.

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