
Reader: Mr Mayor, you must explain yourself to white businessmen

Most white-owned businesses have much more black than white employees

HB of Edleen writes:

I am a proud white South African businessman and I’ve been blessed to be rather successful in Kempton Park for the past 28 years.

During this time I’ve managed to every month pay all our employees, all our accounts and all amounts due to SARS on time and every time in full. I have four scrap books full of evidence of being a responsible and generous corporate citizen to the benefit of all in Kempton Park.


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For obvious reasons, businessmen like myself have always looked for guidance from two specific political leaders: SA’s president and Ekurhuleni’s mayor, currently Mr Masina.

Now Mr Mayor, I saw you and your dear friend Julius Malema’s widely publicised wishes that you earnestly want white businesses to collapse. You are calling for “white companies to be dealt with”. What do you mean, Sir? How are you going to do it? Is the ANC now as eager as the EFF to nationalise and grab our businesses?

Have you counted the full cost of what you desire, Sir? Most white-owned businesses have much more black than white employees. Will our demise help you in any way with the projected R1.2-billion revenue shortfall that you’ve reported to the Parliament’s Portfolio Committee?

Please share with us your intentions and plans with Ekurhuleni’s hard-earned businesses that belong to our minority group, so that we could start making plans of our own.

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