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Motorist fed-up with hide and seek EMPD

Learners are also using that stop street in the morning and afternoon


Ok, so I am fed up. I don’t know what to do anymore.

Several times myself and a few neighbours in our area went to traffic office at Edleen Spar to report the “ignored stop sign” problem at the corner of Okkerneut Avenue and Duvenage Street in Edleen.

Various times when I see metro officers giving out fines around the corner at Flame, I would stop and tell them to please do something about that stop street. I have even mentioned this a few times to the DA when they were sitting at Edleen Spar trying to collect votes – and still nothing.

So yesterday (November 7), I was the lucky one who almost got hit by a vehicle that didn’t even bother to stop while there were cars from all sides, waiting for me to turn right into Duvenage Street as I came from the bottom of Okkerneut.

He was doing at least 80km/h. With my kids in the car I hit the brakes. He didn’t even blink an eye or swerved out. When I realised what had just happened and with the two women in the other vehicles sitting with their hands on their heads as they saw what was about to happen, he just sped off. This happened at about 3.45pm.

Again, I immediately stopped at the traffic office at Edleen Spar, just to find one of the metro officers with his feet on the table, another lying on his neck and a female officer and another male having their lunch.

I asked them to please do something and to assist me with whom to speak to. They all stared at me and didn’t even bother to greet me. The female officer at least responded to my request and said, “The problem is, if we sit there we are visible to the people.”

I am sorry but I didn’t know traffic officers had been taught to play hide and seek. Maybe it is a good thing that the drivers see them because they will at least attempt to stop. Does someone need to be killed first in a hit-and-run before someone is going to react to this?

Learners are also using that stop street in the morning and afternoon. The other day I was standing outside my house and there was a woman with two kids who tried to cross the road at the stop street. She couldn’t as the vehicles just didn’t bother to stop.

I then saw a guy who physically went and stopped the vehicles (at a stop street) to assist her to cross the road.

All I am asking is put some humps across the road, as I don’t think that even a traffic light or writing out fines will do the trick.

Lt Col Wilfred Kgasago, metro police spokesman, replies:

Preliminary investigations regarding the accusations levelled in terms of the unbecoming behaviour by the officers at the Edleen office and the inconsiderate and dangerous driving have been conducted.

The motorist’s concerns regarding the shooting of the stop street have been found to be valid, thus the speed unit will attend to that complaint. Investigations and an operation were conducted on November 10 between 6.30am and 8.30am at the said location. Twenty-six speed violations were recorded with the average speed of 74km/h, which indicates excessive speeding during morning peak periods.

Periodic operations will be conducted to charge offenders.

On November 7, due to the rain that came down, officers had to withdraw from the points. They went back to the office to allow the downpour to subside and also to get their raincoats.

While at the office, the complainant stormed into the office without even the decency of greeting the officers. Allegations of her hurling abuse at officers were also mentioned. The precinct commander has denied that the officers had their feet on the tables.

The EMPD is greatly assisted by motorists and members of the public in bringing to our attention areas of our work that need to be attended to – this is appreciated.

We would wish to caution that officers are also human beings who should be treated with respect so that whatever issues there are, are resolved without unnecessary conflict.

The notion harboured by some motorists that they “pay our salaries” and engage officers in an unbecoming manner is unacceptable and adversely affects relations.

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